For more than a month, the warblers have been filling up the woods with sound and color. This year there seem to be so many Blackpoll warblers. I have records of Blackpolls on most every day that I have ventured out. Interesting, though, is that most of them are male. I have only seen one female Blackpoll, and that was very early in the season. I guess they are busy.

Up till now the males are still singing and are very inquisitive. Pish once and the male jumps out from the cover of the trees and sits high atop a tree to sing a high-pitched, thin tsi sound.
Not only have there been an abundance of Blackpoll warblers, but also Wilson's Warblers. Particularly early in the season, they were everywhere. When you couldn't see them, their on-going song gave them away.
American Redstarts are all around when I had only seen them once a year in the preceding two years: Once in my backyard and several days at Bidgood's Park. Never anywhere else. This year, I have seen them on Blackhead Road, heard them on Maddox Cove Road, seen them on Power's Road and Cochrane Pond Road. Again, it is the male of the species that I have seen. Only a few females along the way.
Northern Harriers seem to be more abundant this year, as well a Mourning Warblers. What accounts for this fluctuation from year to year? We have had a remarkably warmer, more bird-friendly and people-friendly spring. Could that be it? Is the the time and intensity of the winds?
I guess sometimes it is better to just enjoy what nature has brought us and not question its origins.
As I sit here this morning, tapping away at the keyboard, the sun is getting stronger and the winds are low - ideal conditions to get out to enjoy the morning flurry of feathered activity. I must give this up and get out to walk, listen and learn more.
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