Numerous banded birds have been seen and reported around St. John's. Most of the reports show up on the Discussion Group. Others do not. I don't think there is any local, centralized location that summarizes the sightings and details about the bird. This page is a start to try to maintain an accessible and thorough record of our reports. If anyone would care to submit a photo to be used where I don't have any available or have additional information about any of the banded gulls, please use the contact form on the right column of this site. I will add the information to the chart.
Birds Listed here have been reported to:
Species | TAG NUMBER |
Blacpoll Warbler | Band Unread |
Mew Gull | 794-25822 |
Herring Gull | Band #24 |
Herring Gull | Band #29 |
Herring Gull | Band #37 |
Herring Gull | Band #D7 | |
Herring Gull | Band #2A | |
Herring Gull | Band #2I | |
Herring Gull | Band #GV | |
Herring Gull | Band #GJ | |
Herring Gull | Band #M2 | |
Herring Gull | Band #XS | |
Herring Gull | Band #ZM | |
Herring Gull | Band #2406-17010 | |
Herring Gull | Tag 200 | |
Iceland Gull | Band # | |
Iceland Gull | Band #A4 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #A8 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #C8 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #E6 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #F5 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #F6 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #H1 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #H6 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #H8 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #J1 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #K6 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #L0 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #M5 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #M6 | |
Iceland Gull | Band #3T | |
Iceland Gull | Band #3U | |
Iceland Gull | Band #3Z | |
Ring-billed Gull | Band #1008 | |
Ring-billed Gull | Band #1905-07682 | |
Ring-billed Gull | Band #0848-00047 | |
Great Black-backed Gull | Band #HE | |
Species | TAG NUMBER |
Mallard | 1927-07836 (Banded QV Dec. 13. '12. Hatch year 2011. Seen at QV in Mar. 2015.) |
Amer. Black Duck | 1927-07536 (Banded near Mundy Pond 8/31/11. Hatch year 2010 or earlier.Seen at Karwood Cabins on Jan 4, '16.) |
American Black Duck | 1927-07543 (Banded At Mundy Pond 10/31//11. Hatch year 2010 or earlier. Seen at QV Lake in Jan. 3, 2016.) |
Mallard | 1927-07957 (Banded near St. John's Jan 2, 14. Hatch year 2012.Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) |
Amer. Black Duck | 1867-31502 (Banded at Mundy Pond in September 2009. Hatch year 2008 or earlier. Seen at QV Lake on January 3, 2016.) |
Amer. Black Duck | 1867-31502 (Banded at Mundy Pond Sep. 23, 2009. Hatch year 2008 or earlier. Seen at QV Lake on Jan. 3, 20.) |
Amer. Black Duck | 1827-40365 (Banded at QV Lake on Oct. 20, 2008. Hatch year 2008. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) |
Mallard | 1927-07555. Banded at Commonwealth Pond on Sep. 1 2011. Hatch year 2011. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) |
Amer. Black Duck | 1827-40201. (Banded at Mundy Pond on Sep. 15, 2008. Hatch year 2008. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |
Amer. Black Duck | 1827-07898 (Bamded in Sep. 2013 at Commonwealth Pond. Hatch year 2011. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |
Mallard | 1927-07835 (Banded Dec. 2012 at QV. Hatch year 2012. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |
American Black Duck | 1927-07826 (Banded Nov. 2012 at QV. Hatch year 2012. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |
Mallard Hybrid | 1927-07632 ( Hatch year 2011.Banded in St. John's in Oct. 2011. Seen at QV Lake on Jan. 3, 2016.) |
Northern Pintail | 1196-13407 (Banded Jan. 2013 at QV. Hatch year 2011 or earlier. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |
Northern Pintail | 1196-13412 (Banded October 31, 2013 at QV. Female Hatch year 2013. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |
Northern Pintail | 1196-13417 (Banded July 2014 at QV. Hatch year 2014. Seen at QV Lake in March 2015.) | |

Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Blackpoll Warbler | Seen by LdL at La Manche NL on June 3, 2015. Band unread. |
This bird was likely tagged 2015 at La Manche. | |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Mew Gull: # 794-25822 silver tag | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 10, 2015. Seen again on Mar 21, 2017. |
This bird was tagged as a first-winter Mew on February 11, 2011 at QV Lake. | Another banded Mew Gull was seen on Nov. 21, 2013 by L. Chang. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # 2406-17010 silver tag | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 30, 2015. |
This bird was tagged as a fledgling at Witless Bay on Jul. 18, 2001. | |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: Leg Band #D7 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 20, 2015. |
Reported by Brendan Kelly on November 2, 2011, seen at Harvey's Dock, St. John's Harbour. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Wing Tag X29 - Leg Band #24 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 7, 2014. |
This bird breeds in Witless Bay and was banded in July 2012 |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band #29 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 10, 2015. This bird was also seen on Feb. March 15, 2014 at QV Lake by L. Chang.Seen again on October 31, 2015. |
HATCHED IN 2010 OR EARLIER, Banded 11/23/2011. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull:Leg Band #37 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 20, 2015. |
Banded on Jan. 21, 2015 at QV Lake. Hatched in 2012 or earlier. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band 2A | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 8, 2015 with an injured right leg. Seen again on October 31, 2015. Right leg is in bad condition. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band 2I | Image provided by Les Sweetapple. Seen by Les Sweetapple at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on January 21, 2015. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band GV | Image provided by Lancy Chang. Seen by Lancy Chang at QV Lake, St. John's, NL in early March 2015 and reported to look healthy. |
Hatched in 2000, banded in 2003 and is 2nd oldest record in Canada and 7th oldest in North America. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band GJ | Banded on March 2, 2002 at QV Lake, St. John's, NL. Seen at QV Lake on March 24, 2015. Seen again on October 31, 2015.
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band XS | No Image. Hatch Year: 2010. Banded in 2011 in Corner Brook and last seen at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on October 31, 2015. |
Silver tag on this gull is: 1106-35067 |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band M2 | Seen by LdL on November 9, 2015 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull: # Leg Band ZM | No Image. Banded in 2012 and last seen at QV Lake, St. John's, NL in 2013. |
Was originally banded in 1998, making it about 15 years old. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band A4 | Seen by LdL on Nov. 1, 2013 and again on March 10, 2015. |
Was originally banded at Quidi Vidi Lake in November 2011. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Herring Gull - Wing Tag 200 | Seen by LdL on Nov. 20, 2015. |
Bird was banded 03/21/13 in Medway, Mass. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band A8 | Seen by Les Sweetapple at Mundy Pond on Dec. 22, 2012 and by Lancy Chang on December 18, 2012. |
HATCHED IN 2011, Banded 01/06/2012. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band C8 | Image by Les Sweetapple. Seen by Les Sweetapple at Mundy Pond on Dec. 3, 2014. |
Banded on February 2, 2012 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band E6 | Image provided by Lancy Chang. Seen by LdL at QV Lake on Feb 3, 2013 and by Lancy Chang on January 27, 2014 |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band F5 | Seen by LdL at QV on Jan. 4, 2016. |

Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band F6 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake on December 18, 2013 and again on January 15, 2015. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band H1 | Seen by LdL on January 1, 2015 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band H6 | Seen by LdL on January 1, 2015 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band H8 | Seen by LdL on January 3, 2016 at QV Lake.
Seen by LdL on January 3, 2017 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band J1 | Seen by LdL on January 1, 2014 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band K6 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake on March 10, 2015. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band L0 | Seen by LdL on March 10, 2015 at QV Lake. |
Birds banded in the L series = L0, L1 and L2 were banded in St. John's in January 2014. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band 3T | Seen by LdL on March 27, 2015 at QV Lake. |
Banded in St. John's, QV Lake in 2015. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band 3U | Seen by LdL on March 27, 2015 at QV Lake. |
Banded at QV Lake in 2015. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band 3Z | Seen by LdL on March 10, 2015 at QV Lake. Seen again on Jan. 3, 2017 at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: Leg Band #M2 | Seen by LdL at QV Lake, St. John's, NL on March 20, 2014. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band M5 | Seen by LdL on March 11, 2015 at QV Lake. Nov. 25, 2016 seen at QV Lake. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Iceland Gull: # Leg Band M6. Banded Mar. 13, 2015. Hatch Year - 2014. | Seen by LdL on Dec. 10, 2015 at Pleasantville. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Ring-billed Gull # Tag not visible. | Seen by LdL on July 24, 2014 at Maddox Cove.. |
Band and tag patterns indicate this bird was banded in Mass. in either 2012 or 2013. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Ring-billed Gull # 1008 & #346. | No image available. Seen by Anne Hughes on April 18, 2015 at Burton's Pond. |
This bird was banded in Mass. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Ring-billed Gull Tag # 0848-00047. | Seen by LdL on July 24, 2014 at Maddox Cove.. |
Band and tag patterns indicate this bird was banded in Mass. in either 2012 or 2013.
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
| e. Seen by LdL at QV Lake on September 17, 2017 . |
This bird was banded on Gull Island, Ontario in 2008. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Ring-billed Gull # 1905-07682. | Seen by LdL & CB on May 2, 2015 at Goulds Racetrack. |
This bird was banded in 2011 (hatch year) in St. John's, NL. |
Banded/Tagged Bird | Details |
Great Black-backed Gull: # Leg Band HE | Image provided by Lancy Chang, seen on February 19, 2014. Later seen by LdL on March 22, 2014 at QV Lake. |
Bird was banded in St. John's in 2011. |
Great collection of banded birds here, Lisa. Thanks for this resource. I imagine like myself, most people are very much interested in the plumage progression in Kumlien's Iceland Gulls. Good stuff!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I think we may have met in Colorado at Gullapalooza in February 2013.