Curious about what the other bird was, I watched intently for it to show itself. Then, I heard a flute-like whistle that I had never heard before. I really perked up. What was that? I watched for movement and listened as the call went on.
Suddenly, both birds burst out from the cover of the trees. One flew into another tree and this one headed for a shady, covered area. It was there that I got a look at it. It was not a Hermit. There was more a rich brown and creamy color about this bird. The eye ring was cream colored, as was the breast. There was a larger patch in front of the eye and on the lower cheek.

I had only seen one Swainson's Thrush and that was two years ago, and it only stayed around long enough for me to get two pictures. This was shaping up to be a better opportunity than before.
When the session with this bird ended, I began my research right there in the bus turnaround. The pictures looked good for a Swainson's but the clincher was when I listened to the call of this species. This was surely a Swainson's. While this bird is considered a common breeder here, it is seldom seen or, at least, reported on the Avalon.
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