Over time, I have discovered trails that are best for birding when the high winds are ripping from different directions. It seems when there is a strong Southwest wind, Cuckhold's Cove is fairly-well sheltered, making it an ideal spot on blustery days.

This trail not only offers shelter, but there always seem to be a good variety of birds in the area. This week I found my first female Blackpoll. She and a male were busily collecting flies, so it is likely there are babies in a nest there.

As Bruce M. mentioned in his
Telegram article last week, Cedar Waxwings can be very quiet and obscure. This is certainly the case with a small flock that has gathered in the area of the trail. There is no indication they are there; and then, they just appear.

Sparrows of all the common species sing loudly along the trail. Look hard enough, and it is possible to find a Fox or a White-throated Sparrow sitting high atop a tree bellowing out its favorite tune. The Swamp Sparrow stays much lower and is not as easy to spot.

Yellow Warbler are the most abundant species in this area for now. With time, this will shift and another type of warbler will take center stage. There has been a Minke Whale swimming in the cove just below the first lookout. In the same area, I have seen Black Guillemot flying to and from the cliff face. Perhaps, they are nesting there. Then, of course, there is the nesting Bald Eagle. Along the trail, there is frog song from a hidden pond. There is always something to see in this area, and my granddaughter and I were richly rewarded during our long climb up!
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