Sunday, April 21, 2013

Willow Ptarmagin

I have seen Willow Ptarmigan before, but never like this. My first glimpse was when this partridge was in winter plumage, all white. I have also seen this species in the fall when the colors were not so rich.

Nothing compared to this stunning male Willow Ptarmigan in breeding plumage. It was remarkable. Its colors blend in very well with the Cape Race terrain. If it weren't for Margie Macmillan spotting this one, I would have missed this opportunity altogether.

She alerted me. I stopped, backed up and put the window down. All the while, the bird froze in place. I was able to take this one picture before it bolted and flew out of sight very quickly. Short as the viewing was, it left quite an impression on me! For more info about Willow Ptarmigan in Newfoundland, visit this site:

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